Hungaro-Ventilators – big ‘fans’ of Swift-Cut
Hungaro-Ventilátor Kft Ltd was founded in 2005 and produces smoke-exhaust ventilating appliances and accessories. Their products have to be tested at extremely high temperatures and certified by the German institution MPA Braunschweig. In 2020, despite the pandemic the company produced more than two thousand fans and few hundred of pressure relief dampers with a total turnover of four million euros.
It was a partner company that first introduced them to Swift-Cut when they made it known that their old CNC plasma machine was not able to fulfil the growing expectations put upon it – they needed a machine that would be as precise but more industrious, as well as adaptable enough to cope with the various tasks it needed to perform, cutting different parts of ventilating appliances using mild steel, zinc coated steel and stainless steel with thicknesses ranging from 0.7mm till 25mm.
Swift-Cut has been such a success that they now have three machines, the Pro 3000 water table MK3 with Hypertherm PMX65 and two Pro 3000 water tables MK4 with Hypertherm PMX105. All three machines are continuously in use. Zoltan Galavics of Hungaro-Ventilators told us, “We had really good experiences with the MK3 machine, it was not a question that the new machines would also be Swift-Cut.”
Bringing metal cutting in-house always results in cost savings, but what happens when a Swift-Cut machine replaces an older in-house method – where are the savings then? Zoltan said it was simple – it is the reliability and durability of both machines that will save their business money. They’ve also been able to adapt the cutting bed to meet their individual needs, something that demonstrates not only the versatility of the Swift-Cut design but the creativity of Hungaro-Ventilators.
He can’t fault the service, saying that “if we needed any technical support, we received it in short time, we are satisfied with the support.” We hope to see you when you need your fourth Swift-Cut table, Hungaro-Ventilators!