Swift-Cut More Than Meets Mining Company Expectations

Rosebud Mining is a coal mining company in Western Pennsylvania and Ohio, serving some of the largest integrated steel companies in the US, Canada, and around the world, along with domestic utilities and industrial customers. They have actively produced high-quality bituminous coal, both metallurgical and steam qualities, since 1979.

Well recognized in the industry, they are particularly respected for the emphasis they put on their people and their equipment, and so when their old, antiquated tracer table was holding them back, largely due to slow cut speed, poor accuracy, outdated programming, and storage, they began to research a better method.

They looked closely at two other tables, doing their due diligence, and that led them to our fantastic local distribution partner Dale Oxygen. They introduced Rosebud Mining to Swift-Cut, and the strength of its design coupled with the quality and breadth of the programming capabilities meant they had found their table.

They’ve had their Swift-Cut XP510 table with Hypertherm MaxPro 200 for just over a year, and in that time, they haven’t looked back. It comes into its own with their mine shaft and capping fabrication repair work. In the past twelve months they report that the programming capabilities have more than lived up to expectations, whilst the speed, reliability and the support from Swift-Cut and Dale Oxygen has been a welcome and brilliant bonus to what they already knew was a great addition to their company.