Swift-Cut Pro CNC plasma cutting table

How important is air quality when it comes to CNC plasma cut quality?

  • Air quality should meet ISO8573-1 Class 1.2.2 (1 Particulate, 2 water, 2 oil)
  • You need a constant pressure of 7.5 Bar (110psi ) Minimum of 17CFM compressor is needed for Swift-Cut tables
  • Cut quality is a direct relation to air quality
  • Air filters are recommended – such as our 3 stake air filter kit (5u, 1um, .01um)
  • Where water and oil build up it can cause excessive consumable wear, bad cut quality, torch height control issues, air filter blockages and torch failure
  • Compressor choice will be down to your requirement on usage. Duty cycle should be taken into account as if the usage is higher than initially specified, the heat in the compressor can generate moisture in the system and affect the air quality to the plasma table