Swift-Cut is proving to be the answer to educational institutions in The Netherlands requiring small but versatile CNC plasma cutting capabilities for their students.
Since a successful install last year at the De Waerdenborch school, more and more institutions are catching on to the opportunities their students are exposed to with Swift-Cut technology.
VMBO or Pre-vocational secondary education (Dutch: Voorbereidend middelbaar beroepsonderwijs, lit. ‘preparatory middle-level vocational education’, abbr. VMBO) is a school track in the Netherlands. It lasts four years, from the age of twelve to sixteen. It combines vocational training with theoretical education in languages, mathematics, history, arts, and sciences with sixty percent of students nationally, enrolled in VMBO.
The latest installation, a Swifty 1250, was delivered and installed at the Bonhoeffer College in Enschede. The Swifty is small and compact, ideal for educational institutions and the creation of custom projects. The machine was sourced by WIA Educational (WIA Educational provides the workplace furnishings and study material for the VMBO schools) This company focuses on obtaining new technologies for education; to be endorsed by such an esteemed supplier is hugely positive for Swift-Cut and a testament to our engineering and technology.
The purchase of cutting tables in schooling in The Netherlands shows that VMBO education is investing more and more in new techniques. Read more about plasma cutting via WIA Educational here.