Swift-Cut installs Hypertherm PMX105 SYNC
A great first for us last week as we installed a Hypertherm PMX105 SYNC on a Swift Cut cutting table for the first time, in Trier, Germany. This was done at Peki GmbH, a manufacturer of special (container) trailers for events.
Swift Cut is a leader in the field of mechanised cutting with the new SYNC machine torch. In fact, Swift Cut is the first cutting table manufacturer to make introduce this. At Peki, we have installed the Powermax on a new Swift-Cut PRO3000 cutting table.
Simple and fast
The Powermax 105 SYNC is a professional plasma source that works with compressed air. The plasma source is controlled by our software. Where the old Powermax systems used five separate wear parts, the SYNC systems use a one-piece cartridge. The built-in intelligence of the SmartSYNC machine torch, one-piece Cartridge and Powermax SYNC system makes it almost impossible to set the plasma source incorrectly. This makes the operation of the machine much easier and ensures that downtimes are significantly reduced.