Wellspring Components, LLC is a company built on heritage and reputation. Founded over fifty years ago, they began life as a blacksmith shop making horseshoes, buggies and buggy springs before changing their product offering to large barbecues and smokers and manufacturing cabinets for The Big Green Egg company.
A company that prides itself in the quality of workmanship, investing in the right machinery is imperative for Wellspring to be able to continue to manufacture their products to the standards they are renowned for.
Tired of the expensive nature of laser outsourcing and feeling that quality was being compromised, Wellspring decided they needed inhouse capabilities was the only way to manufacture to their exacting standards.
Swift-Cut was the natural fit – and they decided that Plasma could do everything that the laser outsourcing was doing and more. And they weren’t wrong, choosing the Swift-Cut Pro 510 with waterbed and marking tool, they have discovered that the ability to plasma cut inhouse not only saves them money, but it has given them the quality of cut they had been missing from laser. Its ability to cut holes with better repeatability, instead of punching them out has been game changing in terms of faster production at a better quality.
Having the ability to take control of their own production means that they have a new freedom to create the very best product, ultimately producing exactly what their customers want.
The software was also a major factor in their buying decision – “Ease of use was major deciding factor. The software is very user friendly and requires little prior computer skills.”. Delmer Yoder, Wellspring Components owner. Now Wellspring have the right machine for their continued growth and expansion – who knows what the next fifty years can achieve!