Pushing the boundaries of ventilation control, LeighTec Systems Ltd is one of the leading specialists in commercial kitchen ventilation systems in the UK. The reason for this is simple: their unmatchable service provides a one-stop concept-to-completion facility that precisely answers the widely differing needs of a vast range of commercial kitchen environments spanning every sector from schools, hospitals and workplaces, up to the most prestigious star-rated restaurants and hotels.
Leightex purchased their Swift-Cut plasma cutting table in mid-2013, and almost a year later, the reasons they bought it still hold true . “The build quality far surpassed any other competitor and the price was a nice surprise. Ultimately, [the machine is] British and we are proud to be associated with its superior customer support and product quality,” says Emma, a Leightec employee.
So how did Leightec bring Swift-Cut to the kitchen? Primarily, they use the machine to manufacture ductwork. “The secret to a comfortable kitchen is efficient ducting and proficient extraction. Due to the capabilities of Swift-Cut we can manufacture ducting in various si
zes and materials depending on the installation requirements.” But it actually goes beyond that! “Surprisingly, [the machine] has also enabled us to diversify from our primary business and meet new customer demands for livestock feeders and signage. An area we would never of have venture in without Swift-Cut,” says Emma.
But it’s not just diversifying their offerings that is setting them apart. In addition to offering precision products, short lead time is key for Leightec, and effective manufacturing methods and cutting-edge machinery means shorter lead times. The machine gives them more control over their production time as they’re able to deliver “a quick turnaround from original order to production and site delivery/installation. Furthermore, additional customer requirements or product alterations can be manufactured in a fraction of the time it would take to ‘out-source’ said requirement/alteration.”
Though the machine has many features, the most beneficial to Leightec is the electronic head depth control, which negates the use of sheet guides that can mark the sheet of metal. “It allows for a cleaner cut and this is crucial when dealing with potential products for Michelin star chefs!” says Emma. But Michelin star chefs aren’t the only ones with standards. Emma continues by saying that ” Continuous investment in technology and our manufacturing facility ensures the most efficient use of our machinery and guarantees high quality products for all our customers whilst keeping with strict industry standards (HVCA DW/172). Something Swift Cut has helped us to achieve.”