Big week at the MACH 2014 


We had a great week at MACH 2014 with our channel partner, CTR Lasers. Delighted with the opportunity to introduce and showcase our plasma cutting tables, our Swift-Cut 2500, so many people, and just as pleased to have the positive response to quality and affordability of the range.  

New distribution partner Swift-CutSwift-Cut welcomes the company Souderweld as a new distribution partner in Germany.

New distributor

Souderweld, headquartered in Bitburg, has been busy selling Swift-Cut plasma cutting machines for several months. Last week, Souderweld got her demo system from Swift-Cut. With this demonstration system, the technical consultants of Souderweld are able to come to customers on site to demonstrate the Swift-Cut plasma cutting system.  Günter Hammling, Managing Director of Souderweld says: “the […]

New construction – break-away head technology

New construction

Avoid unwanted mistakes with our new, break-away head technology. Like the emergency stop button on a treadmill, the piece will quickly shut down your swift-cut machine in the unlikely event that flashlight crashes to minimize potential damage to the machine. Break-away head technology will now come as standard on all our machines and will be […]