APS AS – Norway

Aluminium Profil Systemer seek business growth with Swift-Cut It is often many months into owning a Swift-Cut CNC cutting table when our customers realise the potential for business growth thanks to its phenomenal capabilities. Not so for Ola Guren at Aluminium Profil Systemer – they purchased their machine with the main purpose of providing new [...]

Instagram LIVE – CNC Software

Did you miss February’s Instalive? If you didn’t manage to join us, or you did and want to re-watch – here's the video We love feedback, so if there is anything you want us to cover for our next Instalive, just drop us a message on our Facebook or Instagram and we’ll do our best [...]

Stephanie Hoffman @underground_metal_works, USA.

Underground Metal Works and Swift-Cut: A match made in CNC heaven Underground Metal Works is a place where tattoo art meets metal art.  Its metal cutting with a rebellious streak and fire in the belly, and it is so cutting edge that owner Stephanie Hoffman @underground_metal_works is fast becoming a rising star in the world of welding. [...]