A (Deck) Joint Success Story

Deck Joint

Swift-Cut recently spent a day catching up with customers Deck Joint, at their headquarters in Stoke on Trent, to see the work that they carry out with their five Swift-Cut CNC plasma cutting machines and to chat about their journey from a start-up family business using one of the first Swift-Cut machines to a highly […]

A Hypertherm Adventure

Hypertherm - 50 years of shaping possibility

Hypertherm is a company continually keeping their wheels turning – their latest launch is yet another string on their corporate social responsibility bow and a scheme that here at Swift-Cut, we find particularly worthy. Introducing their new corporate venture capital arm to support emerging advanced manufacturing technology, Hypertherm Ventured will in essence partner up and […]

Swift-Cut welcomes Royalty

Award presentation

Back in April, we were hugely excited to announce that we’d been awarded the hugely coveted Queen’s Award for International Trade and the excitement continued last week as we had the great honour of welcoming His Royal Highness Duke of Gloucester to HQ to present Neil Smith, our International Global Development Director, the award. The […]