Swift-Cut and Wouters helps Ducomat cut delivery times Ducomat supplies material for industrial dust extraction for the wood sector. Since its start in 2009, the company bought its components abroad, but in view of shorter delivery times, two years ago it decided to take production into its own hands. In the autumn of 2021, the [...]
Sanindus, in Mortsel is a piping company that designs, builds, supplies and installs piping systems, specialising in industrial pipelines made of steel, stainless steel and plastic. The company, which was founded in 1995, is active in sectors such as water purification, skid construction, production pipes, compressed air installations, dredging pipes and ventilation. Fed up [...]
Silver Lake High School, in Kingston, Massachusetts has one of the best technology departments in the area, giving students the very best in the growing STEM arena. The enthusiasm for their department and the investment they made in their Swift-Cut PRO510-DD table in 2021 was just the start of their story with us here at [...]