New company building from Swift-Cut Automation

new building

The European sales office of Swift-Cut Automation moved in May 2016 to a new location in Goor. The new Swift-Cut Automation building also houses the new Swift-Cut Experience Center.  Here customers can see and experience the latest developments in cutting technology. In addition to the PRO series CNC plasma cutting tables, customers can see the […]

New Swift-Cut Experience Centre – Netherlands

Here at Swift-Cut we’re delighted to show off our new demo-room in the Swift-Cut Experience Centre at our new premises in Goor. We want your smooth journey with Swift-Cut to start from the moment you walk through our doors, that’s why in May 2016, we moved to an altogether, bigger, more spacious and better location. From […]

Greenlive – Kalkar, DE (together with distribution partner MeierSchultz)


How the company MeierSchultz uses the enormous business potential at the fair GreenLive in Kalkar and thus achieves measurable success, we show in this video. The company MeierSchultz from Bocholt has been exhibiting Swift-Cut Automation at the trade fair for 3 years. This cutting machine is operated with CNC plasma cutting. A customer of the company MeierSchultz, […]