Brickyard Cottage Industries

Brickyard Cottage imageProduct: Swift-Cut 2500 Plasma Cutting Table How they use it: They use their table to cut a range of stencil and sculptural art in a range of metals up to 12mm thick.  These metals include mild steel, stainless steel, aluminium, copper and brass. Brickyard Cottage Industries is a family-run business based in South Wales that is brimming [...]

Auckland Sheet Metals Ltd

Swift cut proSwift-Cut receives great feedback from New Zealand We love listening to our customers talk about the ways in which Swift-Cut has helped their business develop. Gary Wight of Auckland Sheet Metals describes how the purchase of the new Swift-Cut plasma cutting machine increased his company’s productivity by 30%.  Affectionately known as ‘The Englishman’ in the [...]

ASE Engineering Services

ASE Engineering imageASE Engineering Services On the other side of the world, Swift-Cut is quickly becoming a success story, with the distributors Hare and Forbes now championing the machines.      One of their most recent customers, Alan Shirley of ASE Engineering Services, went all out when it came to purchasing his table.  Happy new owner of the Swift-Cut 3000 with Hypertherm [...]