New application software launch


Introducing SwiftCAM, CAD/CAM application software which makes using any of our Swift-Cut cutting tables even easier than before, guiding the user to production through a simple path and minimising the time normally set aside for programme preparation. Standard on all new machines and available as an upgrade for existing machines. Interested? Read more Swift-cut.com_swiftcam

The Swift-Cut Mark III Range is here…

Mark III range

The Swift-Cut Mark III Range is here – Available in three sizes – 1250, 2500 and 3000 – with a host of new features, and new software packages which make the cut quality better than ever and the machines easier than ever to use. As always we are happy to offer a live online demonstration.

Great success in Euroblech


For the first time this year we were in Hanover for Euroblech, the World’s leading trade fair for the sheet metal industry, where we were proud to introduce our new Mark III range of three tables – 1250, 2500 and 3000. They received a great reception, which bodes well for our expansion in the European […]