British Engineering at its absolute best

British Engineering at its absolute best Cambridge Dynamics specialises in the design and manufacture of custom automation equipment. Their mission is to provide a high-quality engineering service from start to finish with a firm policy of using British components whenever practical. This is achieved by leveraging yearsRead more

Family business keen to diversify strikes gold with Swift-Cut

Family business keen to diversify strikes gold with Swift-Cut Located in Holbrook, MA, L.L.I.W. Metal Fabrication Inc. is a small business specialising in custom builds such as stairs, ramps, decks, fences, tables, frames, bars, and railings. From seeing Swift-Cut at a demo, this family run business wereRead more

CNC plasma cutting package for vocational colleges in the Netherlands

Swift-Cut provides the perfect CNC plasma cutting package for vocational colleges in the Netherlands Swift-Cut is proving to be the answer to educational institutions in The Netherlands requiring small but versatile CNC plasma cutting capabilities for their students. Since a successful install last year at the DeRead more