Edinburgh College of Art

edinburgh collage
Edinburgh College of Art Since their Swift-Cut 2500 water table was installed in September 2016, the technical services department says it has barely had a day off.  Being, if you like, the engine room of all the various departments including metal design, engineering, art, sculpture and architecture, the Swift-cutRead more

Collis Engineering

Collis Engineering GO PRO!   When Collis Engineering approached one of our distributors about purchasing a Swift-Cut table, they knew straight away that the new Swift-Cut PRO was exactly the table they needed. Collis Engineering are a BIG deal, specialising in mechanical and structural applications for railway signalling and other projects.Read more

Brickyard Cottage Industries

Brickyard Cottage image
Product: Swift-Cut 2500 Plasma Cutting Table How they use it: They use their table to cut a range of stencil and sculptural art in a range of metals up to 12mm thick.  These metals include mild steel, stainless steel, aluminium, copper and brass. Brickyard Cottage Industries is a family-runRead more