Open Day hailed our best yet We welcomed nearly fifty people to our Open Day in June – marking it as the most successful open day we have hosted. The day was structured to include talks from Swift-Cut and Hypertherm, an opportunity to browse all our machines at leisure and our one-to-one technical sessions which enabled our guests a chance […]
Swift-Cut present at exPIE-rience day in Hardenberg

Swift-Cut is thrilled to be taking part in this years’ exPIE-rience day at the Vechtdal College in Hardenburg on 19th September. Organised by PIE (Producing, Installing and Energy) – an organisation of technology-focused VMBO schools (Pre-Vocational Education and Training) – the exPIE-rience day is a chance for teachers and education specialists to see some of […]
When Furze met Swifty

With over 7.8 million subscribers to his YouTube channel, a background in TV and a cult favourite – Colin Furze is the Inventor for the 21st Century. Renowned for inventions that even the most imaginative of people wouldn’t envisage – his repertoire includes the world’s fastest mobility scooter, a spinning belt of knives and a […]